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Receive timely updates about your prospects and customers within Slack.
OverviewHow to install?
- Enable your teams to collaborate effectively from their favorite tools: Slack and Freshworks. - The Freshworks app for Slack can now sync conversations to improve support (Freshchat, CS Suite), sales and marketing (Freshsales Suite) tools. - Get instant notifications in a designated Slack channel for changes in deal info, customer contact info, or when your team needs to collaborate to resolve a customer support issue. - Your team can respond on Slack to effortlessly collaborate with agents handling a prospect or a customer. - Manage time better by eliminating constant switching between multiple tools — get all your updates (deals, contacts, support) inside Slack. - Boost your team productivity and collaboration between teams working with Freshworks products and their teammates on Slack.
Learn all about improving your team’s collaborative powers using Freshworks and Slack: - For your customer support needs, check out: - For your sales and marketing needs, check out:

App Info

Published by Freshdesk
about 3 months ago

Works with

Supported for


Agent Productivity  File Sharing & Collaboration

Other Resources

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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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