12 best cold email templates to jumpstart your lead engine

Pop quiz: what percentage of emails do you think are identified as spam? 5%? 20%? Here’s the cold, hard truth—it’s 49%. People’s inboxes are flooded with irrelevant, shady messages daily. The chances of your recipient opening your email, let alone reading and responding to it, are slim.

But here's the silver lining: when done right, emails lead to powerful results. According to Spiceworks in 2023, email marketing has the potential to deliver an average ROI of $40 for every dollar spent — and it’s only expected to increase in the near future. 

Cold emails land your message right into the inbox of potential clients, investors, or partners. They open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations that otherwise might not have been possible. 

So how do you make sure your cold email stands out in a crowded inbox? In this article, we’ve compiled the 12 best B2B cold email templates to boost reply rates and improve lead generation:

1. The hyper-personalized cold email to decision-makers

Personalization involves tailoring the message for the appropriate person, using details like their name, company, or specific interests. 

Why does it work? Simple: it shows your genuine interest and effort in addressing the recipient's unique needs and challenges. It creates a sense of relevance and connection, and shows recipients you’ve done your homework before getting in touch.

Cold email template

Hi {recipient name},

I’m reaching out to you because being the {recipient’s current role}, I was certain you would know more about the current process in place at your company for {which department}.

Like we’ve helped {your existing customer}, I felt you might be interested in improving your {the biggest challenge for the prospect}.

I did a fair amount of research on your company’s {current system} and I’m sharing a few of my thoughts here which could help you save {the benefit your product offers}:

<screenshot of their web page>

1. I noticed that {state the current problem and how it can be better}. 2. {state the current problem and how it can be better}

I’d love to share a few more ideas with you and spend more time understanding your current process.

{recipient name}, could we spend 15-mins this week to chat about this?


  • Address the right recipient: Don’t limit your research to just the company—pinpoint the right contact too. Research by HBR highlights that people are more likely to help you when they feel uniquely qualified to do so. Make it clear why you’re reaching out to them as opposed to anyone else in their company. You make leads feel important and they might return the favor by engaging in a discussion.

  • Show (not tell) the value: Focus on your value proposition by showing it in action. Get creative. Include a screenshot of their website/product or a video that shows how they can benefit from your product. When you provide value early in the cold email outreach process, you show that you value the lead's time and they don't have to wait around if their needs aren't similar.

2. The cold email to get in touch with your competitors’ customers

Reaching out to your competitors' customers is a strategic move, but it requires tact. This approach focuses on understanding and addressing the unique needs or pain points that your competitor’s products aren’t fully meeting. 

Make it clear why switching to your product or service would be a good idea. Respect the competition and emphasize the added value or distinct advantages your offering provides without slandering them.

It positions your business as a viable option that caters to your potential prospects’ specific needs.

Cold email template

Hi {recipient’s name},

Firstly, let me state that as the {designation of the recipient} of {company’s name}, you must be getting a bunch of emails and deleting most of them, just as I do.

The primary reason I am reaching out to you is to discuss your {your competitor name} environment. I assist organizations to transition over from {your competitor’s name} to {your company name} with {what benefit do they gain}.

We have added over {the number of customers} with a healthy percentage being known, trusted {their industry sector}.

I believe I could be of value to your business and would love to work with you. Are you available for a 15-minute meeting on Friday?


  • Maintain a casual tone: Keeping the tone of your email body casual and conversational makes it more relatable and less intimidating. It builds a connection with the recipient and adds a human touch. 

  • Highlight the benefits: State the benefits of your product or service in your email. Focus on what gaps you fill and how these unique features address the needs or solve the problems of the recipient. 

3. The email to re-engage with prospects gone cold

Rekindling a relationship with a prospect that's gone cold is challenging, but it's not impossible. 

You need to identify and respond to 'dark signals'—subtle cues indicating a prospect's fading interest or engagement. These signals might be a lack of response to previous emails, decreased activity on your website, or no engagement on social platforms. Understanding these signs is crucial to timing your re-engagement email right.

Start by acknowledging the lapse in communication or the change in their engagement pattern. Then, pivot to presenting something new or different —whether a fresh insight, a new product feature, or an exclusive offer. 

This approach shows you're not just sending another routine follow-up, but offering value that's relevant to their current needs or interests. 

A well-crafted re-engagement email can turn the tide, transforming a cold prospect back into a warm lead.

Cold email template

Hi {recipient name},

I hope you’re doing great 😀 It’s been a while since we were in touch.

{recipient’s company name} had trialed with {your product name} for their {what function did they use the product for} in the past. I would love to reconnect with you and your team to better understand why you had moved away from the same 🙂

We have made some market breaking innovations since you had signed up, and partnered with some big names like {customer 1} and {customer 2} too. Let’s have a quick chat sometime next week, {recipient’s name}?

I would be more than happy to show you those innovations, Monday (January 16th) at 10:00 am sounds good for you?


  • Add some humor: Incorporating a light touch of humor can be a great way to re-engage with a cold prospect. It helps in breaking the ice and makes your email more memorable. A witty remark or a light-hearted comment related to your product or their industry can refresh their perception of your brand, making your communication more personable and less formal.

  • Don't be overbearing: While it's important to re-establish contact, ensure that your tone isn't too forceful or desperate. Respect their space and decision-making process. Offer them value and remind them of your presence, but do so in a way that's considerate and understanding. Your aim is to reopen lines of communication, not to push them for an immediate response or decision.

. The cold email with social proof to win over prospects

Using social proof in cold emails is a powerful way to win prospects over, especially when it's name-dropping. Mentioning reputable companies (who share the same buyer’s persona, pain, and priorities) or industry figures (add their LinkedIn profiles!) who've benefited from your product or service boosts your credibility. 

Be smart about it—don’t just drop names or brands; add a case study that highlights the tangible results they achieved with your help.

For example, if a well-known brand saw a significant improvement in a specific area after using your product, mention it. Quantify the success if possible— like a percentage increase in efficiency or revenue. 

It's a great way to show off your skills and help prospects visualize the impact on their business. Build trust by showing that you're not just making claims, but delivering.

Cold email template 

Hi {recipient’s name},

My name is {salesperson’s name} and I am the {designation} for {your company name} in the {region of the prospect}. {a sentence about what your company does}

{customer 1, 2, 3} have all moved to {your product} in Q3 to help with:

  1. {benefit 1}

  2. {benefit 2}

  3. {benefit 3} And much more

I would love to get on a short call with you for a quick review of your current systems and how we can help.


  • Keep it short & humble: A brief mention of your successful partnerships or clients, coupled with their results, is more effective than lengthy boasts. Keeping it short respects the recipient's time and attention, while humility in your tone ensures that the email doesn't come across as bragging, but rather as a genuine demonstration of your track record.

  • Maintain an email structure: Include an opener, your objective, social proof, and a clear call-to-action (CTA) in separate paragraphs. If a paragraph exceeds more than 2-3 lines, break it up by using bullet points.

5. The cold email with useful resources 

Sending a cold email with valuable resources is a thoughtful strategy to capture attention and provide immediate value to the recipient. This approach involves sharing relevant and helpful content that aligns with the recipient’s interests or business needs. Think: industry reports, webinar links, social media posts from thought leaders, insightful articles, infographics, or tools. 

Cold email template

Hi {recipient name},

{congratulate them on their recent success}

I work with {your company name}. I would love to connect with your {person in charge of implementing the service you’re selling} to understand your current processes and suggest how {your product name} can add value to {recipient’s company name}.

I am listing a few features below that might interest you,

  1. {resource 1}

  2. {resource 2}

  3. {resource 3}

I will be looking forward to hearing from you, thanks in advance.


  • Tailor content to recipient's needs: The success of this approach hinges on how well the resources align with the recipient's specific interests or challenges. Customizing the content you share shows that you’ve taken the time to understand your prospect  industry, role, and potential pain points. This level of personalization can significantly increase the relevance and impact of your email.

  • Encourage further engagement: Use the resources as a conversation starter. Invite feedback or thoughts on the material provided, or suggest ways the content could be relevant to their current projects or challenges. It positions you as a helpful resource and opens the door to more communication and relationships.

6. The cold email with stats

Stats, data, and numbers—these are powerful tools for persuading potential customers of the value that your product/service can bring to their business. Using statistical information in cold emails establishes credibility and provides evidence to back up your claims.

One way to incorporate stats into your cold email strategy is by referencing industry reports or studies that support the benefits of using your product or service. Another approach is to share any big results or milestones your current customers achieved.

Cold email template

Hi {recipient name},

As the {title of the recipient}, I thought you might find this stat interesting:

{add a recent study about the recipient’s industry}

With this rapid growth in {recipient’s industry}, I’ve had the opportunity to work with companies like {customer 1} and {customer 2} in the {region of the recipient} by improving their {the result of using your product} with {your product name}.

{recipient name}, it would be great if we can get on a short 10-minute call on Friday at 2:00 pm?


  • Use credible sources: Make sure the stats you use are from reliable and credible sources. Consider using statistics from well-known market research firms or industry publications. Also, include links to the source in your email so recipients can verify the information themselves.

  • Add a specific CTA: After sharing the stats, make sure to add a specific CTA with your phone number or calendar link that encourages the recipient to take action. Whether it’s scheduling a demo or setting up a call, be clear about what you want them to do next and mention when you'll follow up.

7. The referral cold email 

The referral cold email uses mutual connection to build trust and open lines of communication. You mention a mutual contact or referral source, which instantly lends credibility to your message. 

It's a great way to increase the chances of your email getting read. But make sure your mutual contact is relevant and they give you permission to mention them.

Cold email template

Hey {Name},

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out because {Mutual Connection}, whom I believe you know from {context/organization}, kindly recommended that I get in touch with you.

My name is {Your Name} and I work as a {Your Position} at {Your Company}. {Mutual Connection} mentioned that you might be interested in learning more about our services. We specialize in {brief description of services/industry}.

If you're available, I would love to schedule a quick call or meeting to discuss how we can potentially work together. Would you have some time next week? I promise not to take up too much of your time.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to connecting with you and exploring potential opportunities.


{Your Name}


  • Follow up respectfully: After dropping a mutual contact's name, send follow-up emails in a respectful and professional manner. Remember, your approach reflects not only on you but also on the person who referred you. 

  • Mention the referral in the subject line: An email subject line that mentions a mutual connection can increase your email's open rates. It immediately grabs the recipient's attention and makes them more likely to open your email.

8. The “AIDA” cold email template

AIDA is a classic copywriting formula that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. You can use this framework to craft cold emails that capture the recipient's attention and persuade them to take action. Here's how it breaks down:

  • Attention: Begin your email with a strong opening line that grabs the recipient's attention. This could be a statistic, a question, or a bold statement relevant to their industry or challenges.

  • Interest: Once you have their attention, the next step is to generate interest. Give more details about the subject, outline a problem they may be facing, or point out a gap in their current strategy or solution.

  • Desire: After sparking their interest, you want them to want your product. Explain how your product or service can solve their problem or improve their situation.

  • Action: Finally, ask the recipient to take action. You can schedule a call, sign up for a demo, or simply reply to the email.

Cold email template

Hey there {Recipient},

Did you know that {Statistic}? It's a common challenge for {Target audience}. But what if I told you there's an easy solution? Our product can help {Benefit} and save you {Time/Money/Headaches}.

Are you interested in learning more about how we can help? Let's schedule a quick call next week. Would {Day and Time} work for you?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

{Your Name}

P.S. Feel free to reply directly to this email with any questions or concerns.


  • Personalize the email: Personalized emails have a higher chance of grabbing the recipient's attention and resonating with their needs. Focus on their industry, challenges, and pain points to make a connection.

  • Focus on the hook: The attention-grabbing line should be relevant and intriguing to your ideal customer. Use numbers, questions, or bold statements to create a sense of urgency. Also,  keep it short and to the point.

12. The generic, personalized cold email template

Yes, personalized emails work. But they’re also time-consuming.

Your outreach lead list not only has decision-makers but also involves influencers and the ones below them. And when you send out emails to the latter group, you don’t necessarily have to hyper-personalize them. 


  • Validate yourself: Whenever you receive an email from a stranger, you want to know who they are and why they matter to you. Any form of social proof—a famous customer, an investor, or a mutual LinkedIn connection—builds credibility and trust.

  • Show you have the expertise: Listing out the customers who share similar persona, pain and priorities show that you have the expertise and build your credibility.

Arm your sales reps with these templates

Whether you're crafting an email body that speaks directly to your prospect's needs or selecting the perfect cold sales email template to suit your outreach campaign, the key is to be intentional and strategic. 

The ultimate goal of these emails is to pave the way for a deeper conversation, ideally leading to a phone call or a meeting where you can further discuss the value your service or product brings. Focus on metrics, see what’s working, and don’t be afraid to try different approaches until you find the perfect formula. 

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