NPS Email Survey – All about NPS email, tips, examples, and templates

Email has always been a pathway to generating sales for a long time. According to the study conducted by Radicati Group in 2018, over 4 billion people used email to communicate. Today, that number is even greater, with more than half of the world’s population having at least one email address, making it the most effective way to communicate and share business announcements.

Most effective channel for collecting feedback

Since email is the most successful marketing communication channel, giving NPS surveys delivered via email special attention makes perfect sense. After all, it’s low investment and scores high on productivity when it comes to gathering insightful data.  Asking customers how likely they are to refer your business or product to their circles, an NPS email survey offers the easiest and quickest way to determine how your customers feel about your products or services. Let’s see some of the other advantages of email NPS surveys:

  1. Email surveys stay in the customer’s inbox, and they can take their own time to reply. This non-intrusive nature of the survey improves the odds of capturing open-ended qualitative feedback, as there is no hurry to answer the survey immediately.
  2. Recent customer experiences with a specific aspect of your business are less likely to influence email NPS surveys, like in the case of in-app web surveys. Instead, these surveys measure customer loyalty towards your whole company.
  3. Email surveys help you reach a wide range of audiences, including inactive ones, and get responses from customers who have cancelled services. Get the most valuable feedback from your passives and detractors, understand what’s wrong with your product, and accordingly take action to improve customer experience.

You might already know about NPS surveys and different types of customer categories, i.e., promoters, passives, and detractors. These roles are assigned based on responses to a simple question: How likely would you recommend our products/services to others? It may seem like a simple task—sharing a question with the customers and getting a rating on a scale from 0 to 10. But creating an NPS email is not an easy task. A slight mistake can affect your marketing performance. Don’t worry! We’re here to discuss how you can craft a successful NPS email survey, best practices to follow, some quick tips, subject lines that can get clicks, and examples of NPS email templates.

NPS email survey best practices- 10 quick tips


1) Don’t keep it plain. Add some credibility

Add some customization like logo, brand theme, or color in your NPS questionnaires before sending them to your target audience. It will increase your open rate and significantly improve the response rate. You can even use CTAs, or key phrases in your email that imitate your brand.

2) Our name defines us. Lash it in our NPS email surveys

Community believes personalization improves response rates and engagement on your email survey. Including the customer’s name at the beginning of the sentence adds a personal touch. Similarly, don’t send survey emails from the brand/company account but from an employee’s account. This too  makes your email personal and friendly, so your customer knows they can engage in a dialogue with a real person. 

3) Lengthy is boring. Keep it short and simple 

Make sure your NPS survey question is simple and easy to understand. Only add a few questions. The more questions you add, the more responses you may lose. Also, don’t forget to add one open-ended question to allow them to share their thoughts with you.

4) Remember always—good timing is the key

Undoubtedly, online surveys allow you to send surveys at any time of the day. Still, it would help if you were mindful of your customers’ upcoming events, holidays, and active hours to get a healthy response rate. In addition to this, don’t send NPS email surveys to customers who haven’t used your product/services for a long time or have not been seeking a similar product. Instead, target audiences that actively use your product or interact with you in some way or another.

5) Thumb rule —Segment your audience 

You might have heard the phrase – “There are as many opinions as there are people.” This applies to customers as well. Divide your audience into groups, ask them various questions, and get an actionable conclusion from the NPS surveys. For example, you can divide your customers based on their field of profession (IT, marketing, operations, etc.) or joining date (new customers vs. who joined 6 months back).

6) Got some extra marketing budget? Why not reward your customers

Getting responses from people on your email surveys is not always easy. One way to do this is to lure them with exciting rewards in exchange for answering your survey. It could be a coupon code, free monthly subscription, discount, extra credits, etc., based on your business and marketing budget.

7) Never forget your Detractors—bring them on your side

Pay special attention to your detractors, those unhappy with your product/services. Try to reply to them in real time and make things up to avoid spreading negative word of mouth. Also, It’s also cheaper to retain an existing customer vs acquiring a new one.

8) Make your NPS email surveys responsive

Most users are reported to be on their mobile phones while replying to your surveys. As per study conducted by Greenbook, 19% of online surveys taken on a mobile device. Therefore, your NPS email template must be mobile-friendly so that you don’t miss out on anyone

9) Split testing can do wonders for your response rate

Prepare different versions of your NPS email surveys to check which one brings better results. You can perform A/B testing (split testing) on your email content, subject lines, time & day, etc.

10) Show some gratitude; add a thank you message

Your customer filled out your survey because they like you. They are not obliged to do so. So, it becomes your duty to show gratitude and send a thank you email or a short note thanking them for responding. 

Catchy NPS email subject lines to have higher open rates

Do perfect subject lines exist? No. Why? Because every individual has unique tastes, needs, preferences, histories etc. With a single subject line, you can’t engage or appeal to all customers. So, we aim here to write a subject line that can engage as many customers as possible. Below are some of the tried and tested subject lines that yield a high open rate on your email surveys.

a) Mention the recipient’s name in the Subject line to make it more personalised


Hi [recipient_name], how does your new [product] fit?

Tell us more about the [product] you bought yesterday [recipient_name]

b) Keep it short and simple

As per Backlinko founder, Brian Dean, short subject lines have significantly higher open rates. And two factors contribute to this:

  • Email surveys with short subject lines are more likely to deliver
  • Short subject lines create mystery

Up to 50 characters will be shown in the inbox display. Anything beyond this will get cut off, so try to keep it to the point.

c) A sense of urgency can trigger customer interest

Create hype by showing that the NPS survey is bound to a timeline. This way, your customers will engage with your email survey without delay.


Last chance to save 30%!

Only five days…then the secret’s out!

only a few days left to participate in our NPS survey

d) Clear and to-the-point survey subject lines are the big hit


Create subject lines that are easy to understand and won’t take much time to interpret what your message means. Here are some of the vague email survey subject lines that we generally use:

Hi John, we need your feedback,
Tell us why you like our product/service

We value your feedback

Now, look at some clear and to-the-point subject lines:

Would you like to recommend {product} to your friends and family?
Hi John, can you fill out a 2 mins survey?

e) Entice your audience using direct and concise questions 


A recent study has seen that the recipients are more likely to notice subject lines with questions in them.


What would you like to see on [product]?
40 seconds to spare? Take this 3 click survey!

NPS email examples –  Templates that will get you a high response rate

Here are NPS and eNPS email survey examples with all our top tips in place:

1) Customer NPS email survey:

Subject: 40 seconds to spare? Take this 3 click survey!

Hi {Name},

We’re glad to see you taking an interest in {Product} and making it a part of your everyday operations. 

Would you mind sharing your experience and filling out a short survey to help us improve our service? It will take only 40 seconds!

Customer NPS email survey template

Thank you in advance for your honest feedback. We will certainly use it to develop our offerings.


2) Employee NPS (eNPS) email survey: 


Subject: 30 seconds is all we need – {Company_name}

Hi {Name},

Seeing you grow and learn with {Company_name} is awesome. All credit goes to your hard work. Please share your valuable feedback with us. It will help us to understand you better.

Employee NPS email surveys



You can even try out free NPS email templates. Sign up for NPS survey software, a simple yet effective way to understand how well you meet your customers’ expectations.

Bottom Line

Improving your customer experience and response rate is in your hand only. You must look for the right time to send the NPS email surveys. Apart from this, A/B testing (split testing) can be used to create subject lines and email body content that get you the most hits. Use the best survey tool to make the most of your NPS email surveys. With Freshworks survey software, you can create and send NPS email surveys FREE of cost. 

Moreover, you can collect, analyze and act on responses received. Ready to send out your first NPS email? Sign up today and get personalized NPS email templates within a few clicks.