Why convert passives and detractors into promoters

If you’ve worked with NPS surveys before, you know who promoters, passives and detractors are. To refresh your memory, promoters share a score of 9 or 10. These customers are fierce loyalists and will be instrumental in bringing in referrals. Passives are those who share a score of 7 or 8. While they don’t love your business, they have no reason to dislike what they’re getting. NPS Detractors are those who share a score of 6 or less. These customers are unhappy with your service and need immediate attention. 

Why NPS detractors and promoters passives are low-hanging fruit,

To put it plainly; passives are neither underwhelmed nor overwhelmed by the service received. Hence, the effort required to turn them into promoters is relatively low. Often, it could be that your passives just didn’t get the memo on what makes your product so great. Take a peek at what your promoters love and share the message with your passives.


The only catch with detractors is that they’re not necessarily vocal about what’s wrong. Hence, finding out the right way to wow your customer may require reaching out and collecting some more specific feedback. The dashboards offered by Freshsurvey’s built-in analytics can help you find the insights you need with a quick glance.

Why you might get the best feedback from detractors

While passives are important in the short run, your detractors, at the end of the day, are still with your business, which means they still see some value in you. In fact, anybody who’s worked in customer support or social media will tell you that dissatisfied customers are extremely likely to leave a negative review or comment, which we’d like to consider pure gold.


The thing about negative feedback is that it’s good-quality feedback and the easiest way to prioritize and take corrective action. While detractors may be harder to win back, working on your priority tasks will be like the rising tide that raises all ships. Doing so will please your passives and build even more affinity with your promoters.

If you’re still not convinced

You might wonder if converting passives and closely studying feedback from detractors is worth all the hassle. After all, you can also acquire new customers and maintain your growth trajectory. If so, you’d be surprised to note that retaining an additional 5% of your customer base can increase profits by as much as 95%.