Win with Marketplace: Discover the latest Marketplace app recommendations

Welcome back to our #winwithmarketplace series! While you leverage Freshworks products to deliver an exceptional customer experience, the Freshworks Marketplace brings together a wealth of apps to meet all your integration, customization, and automation needs. As we dive into the second month, our spotlight shifts towards an essential component of productivity and efficiency: workflows. This edition unveils a list of top apps, chosen to help you customize and enhance your workflows within the Freshworks ecosystem. Whether you’re aiming to optimize your strategies, streamline communication, ensure data protection compliance, or more, we’ve got the app recommendations for you.

Google Analytics

Customize from Email Address

GDPR Assistant

Playstore – Freshdesk for mint

Tasks To Do

Why not take a personalized journey through the Freshworks Marketplace and start exploring these game-changing apps today? Your support team and customers will thank you! Head over to the Freshworks Marketplace and start exploring these apps today!