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Playvox WFM

Manage your workforce effectively with the Freshworks and Playvox integration
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OverviewReviews How to install?
With this integration, the following data is sent from Freshchat to Playvox: Agent States: → Agent availability settings in Freshchat directly influence work activity logging within Playvox, ensuring accurate tracking. → Key data elements transmitted include the start time, end time, and the specific status name set by the agent Conversation Records: → The app captures and sends detailed data from each conversation in Freshchat to Playvox → Key information transmitted includes the handle time, the agent responsible for the conversation, and essential metadata such as the conversation's group, topic, and channel. Additionally, the start and end times of the conversation are recorded With this data inside Playvox, admins will be able to do the following: 1. Forecasting - Leverage AI-driven forecasts to identify and assess future conversation workload across channels. 2. Capacity planning - Understand long-term resourcing needs and manage short-term schedules for your agents. 3. Scheduling – Automatically assign agents to shifts based on incoming workloads. 4. Reporting analysis - Drill-down reports with real-time data that provides insights into key measures.
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Step 1: To install Playvox from the Freshchat marketplace, an admin needs the following details: From Playvox: To get these details, in Playvox, the admin must navigate to Admin → Integrations → oAuth Tokens → Add New 1. Client ID: Admin to give this name while creating the OAuth token 2. Secret: Generated while creating the OAuth token 3. Domain(Tenant) URL: The URL that is used to access your Playvox instance From Freshchat/CSS: Freshchat Domain & API Key: To get these details, in Freshchat, navigate to Admin → API settings Step 2: Admins would be able to choose the data that needs to be synced from Freshchat: Sync Freshchat Agents: 1. Ensures that users who are both part of Freshchat and Playvox are mapped for sending data. The email ID of the agent will be used for integration/agent alias in Playvox 2. Once the toggle is enabled, click on ‘Sync agents’ for the sync to happen 3. If you add new agents to Freshchat, go to the manage apps section, click on 'Edit Settings', and then click on 'Sync agents'. Sync Freshchat Agent Status: This option sends the real-time availability status of agents to calculate Occupancy and Adherence. Sync Freshchat Conversations: Send conversation data to Playvox for scheduling and forecasting
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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