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Integrate your Freshsales CRM with 3CX from the management console
OverviewHow to install?
With this integration when an incoming call occurs you will see the contact name in your web client as well as a link on the phone screen. When you click on the link you will navigate to the corresponding contact within Freshsales.
Introduction 3CX provides integration with Freshsales. With this integration when an incoming call occurs you will see the contact name in your web client as well as a link on the phone screen. When you click on the link you will navigate to the corresponding contact within Freshsales. In this guide, we will take you through the steps required in order to set up your Freshsales CRM with 3CX - server side. Launching outbound calls from the Freshsales interface is already available using the 3CX Click2Call plugin. 3CX CRM Server Side Configuration: 1. Login to the 3CX management console > Settings > CRM Integration > Server Side tab. 2. Select Freshsales from the dropdown list. 3. Enter CRM domain name - for example, if your Freshsales URL is replace “abc” with your company name. 4. Enter your Username and Password.

App Info

Published by 3CX Ltd
about over 5 years ago

Works with

Supported for


CRM, Sales & Marketing

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