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Hugo is a meeting notes platform that unites calendars, docs, and tasks.
OverviewHow to install?
Hugo is a meeting notes platform for fostering a culture that improves meeting performance and cohesion for hybrid work teams. How? By uniting calendars, docs, and tasks, Hugo makes it easy to share meeting agendas, collaborate in real-time, and ensure that actions don't slip through the cracks.
You can setup Hugo for Freshdesk in under a minute. once you have created a Hugo account. Simply: 1. Visit Freshdesk > Profile Picture > Profile Settings 2. Copy the API key to your clipboard 3. Login to Hugo and click 'Enable apps' in the left navigation 4. Fill in your Freshdesk domain and API key fields and press Save You will now see Freshdesk available as an action on the right of your document composer.

App Info

Published by Hugo
about over 5 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Knowledge & Content Management  File Sharing & Collaboration

Other Resources

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