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Freshping -FREE website monitoring

Freshping monitors 50 URLs every minute, FREE Forever. Get downtime alerts as incidents on Freshservice instantly. Handle downtime with your team. Is it up or is it down? Get to know within 60 seconds with Freshping - Freshservice integration.
OverviewHow to install?
Freshping - Freshservice integration creates an incident in your Freshservice portal every time your website or web service goes down or is back up. Freshping monitors your website every minute & notifies instantly if your website goes down. 50 Monitors, checked every one minute - FREE forever. Features : * Multi-Channel notification: Slack, Twilio, Email & more. Where ever you are, Receive downtime alerts on the go. * Free Public status pages: Communicate status of your web service & incidents with your customers in real time * 10 Global locations: Understand how your website’s status and response time for customers located across the globe * Multi-user login: Ensure business is as usual with your colleagues. With Multi-user login, 30 users can receive instant downtime alerts & weekly reports
1. Sign-up for Freshping - FREE FOREVER 2. You will get 50 URL monitors (1-minute interval) free forever 3. Go to your freshdesk profile (by clicking on your name's first letter on the top right corner) and copy the API key 4. In Freshping settings, go to integrations and create a new freshservice integration. 5. Paste the API key and click on 'Create' Voila! You've integrated Freshping with Freshservice and you'll get an incident every time any website's status changes.

App Info

Published by Freshdesk
about over 5 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Agent Productivity  Assets & Incident Management

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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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