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Akita provides a Customer Success solution that works with Freshsales
OverviewHow to install?
Once connected, your Akita account will begin populating with your Freshsales data. This data will appear alongside all your other customer interactions for a 360° view. Segment your accounts based on data from your Freshsales account, and from your other business tools. Define lifecycle stages and make sure customers stay on track. Build Customer Success playbooks, alerts, health scores and more — all using the wealth of data gathered from your integrations.
How to Connect Freshsales and Akita - Head to the Integrations section in Akita. You'll find it under Settings (the cog icon ) in the left menu bar. - Click the Connect Provider button - Select Freshsales from the list of available integrations. - Fill in the form to complete the connection. For this, you will need your API Key and Web Address from your Freshsales account. - That's it – all done! Your Freshsales Customer Data in Akita - Once connected, your Akita account will begin populating with your Freshsales data. - This data will appear alongside all your other customer interactions for a 360° view. - Segment your accounts based on data from your Freshsales account, and from your other business tools. - Define lifecycle stages and make sure customers stay on track.

App Info

Published by Akitaapp
about over 5 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Agent Productivity  Data Sync & Migration

Other Resources

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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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