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We simplify how sales teams create and eSign NDAs, proposals and contracts.
OverviewHow to install?
A closer's best friend: everything you need to race from Sales Qualified Lead to billing. All-in-one platform helps teams create, distribute, e-sign and manage sales documents; from NDAs and proposals to contracts. Upload your sales PDFs then add e-signing, or enjoy a 100% online workflow by starting with a 100% on-brand template library. Simple plug and play FresSales integration: 1) Docsales import your CRM opportunity data 2) We update your CRM by adding notes and links to the signed documents 3) DocSales update the deal status to WON and add the document value.
1- Set up your FreshSales CRM integration Use FreshSales API KEY to connect both systems. (Instructions here: Insert your account URL (your company's name). Set up if you want DocSales to give automatically the WON when the sales document is signed. Define if DocSales must update the opportunity value with the amount when the document is signed. For more information access:

App Info

Published by DocSales (oficial)
about over 3 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Agent Productivity  CRM, Sales & Marketing

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