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Five9 Premium Call Control

This app provides features that Five9 Agent Desktop Plus offers from inside Freshsales Classic!
OverviewHow to install?
* Requires a Five9 Agent Desktop Toolkit license Loyally offers the new CTI between Five9 and Freshsales Classic as a premium app, using the new SDK from Five9 for a richer, more efficient and more powerful integration. This premium version provides the features that Five9 Agent Desktop Plus offers but from inside Freshsales Classic! This means you will be able to use all the known features you want like: - Call log creation - Lead and Contact search for all calls - Click to dial - On-screen caller info - Instant messaging - Call Transfers - Voicemail recordings/missed calls - Set reminders - Do-not-call-list - Queue insight - Conference calls - Recording calls - Call transfers - Worksheet/script implementation - and more!
Please contact us on our support address to install the Five9 Premium Call Control application or to schedule a personal demo.

App Info

Published by lyl
about over 2 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Agent Productivity  Chat, Video & Telephony

Other Resources

Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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