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All-in-one customer survey tool integrated with Freshsales.
OverviewHow to install?
Use surveys in your email communication with customers Embed Survicate one-click email surveys in emails sent via Freshsales. Research and improve your Net Promoter Score®. Use unlimited follow-up questions to collect deeper insights.
If you use mailing list in Freshsales to distribute your surveys, we will add the email address to every respondent's details, so you know how every person answered! There are two ways to distribute surveys via email- either by copying the link or HTML code. We recommend you to use HTML code, as it is more engaging, giving you much higher response rates! Surveys for Freshsales work like any other type of survey- you can use logic, meaning the follow-up questions can be based on previous answers, and the landing page can be customized in the design section. Email surveys let you answer the first question inside an email and redirect you to the landing page with follow-up questions. If you want to embed the first question inside the email you can choose, whether it will be Net Promoter Score Or single choice If you choose any other type of question as the first one, we will provide you only with the link to your survey How to create Freshsales survey: - Simply choose the type of the survey, and pick Freshsales as a distribution tool. - Create your survey depending on your needs, and copy the code - And paste the HTML using FreshSales rules of mail creation

App Info

Published by Survicate
about over 5 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Surveys & Feedback

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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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