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Make your own Zap to connect Freshsales with the other apps you use.
OverviewHow to install?
Make your own Zap to connect Freshsales with the other apps you use. Zapier is a tool to connect two apps and make them work together. To connect the apps, you need to create a, Zap: Combination of an input and the desired output as a result of the input. Trigger: The input of the Zap, which initiates any process. Action: The result or output that takes place because of the input.
1. Login to Freshsales as an Admin. 2. Go to Admin Settings > Third party integrations 3. Click the Make a zap button and you’ll be directed to Zapier. 4. If you already have a Zapier account, log in. Else sign up to explore this integration’s possible workflows. 5. Once you are logged in, you’ll be directed to a screen where you can start making your first Zap with Freshsales. 7. Before you start to create a zap, you need to decide on the following, a. The app from which the trigger is fetched b. What should the trigger be? c. What action should take place as a consequence? d. The app in which the action should take place 8. How to create a zap? a. Choose your app from which the trigger is fetched. b. Next, select your trigger. c. Test the step. d. Choose your app where you want the action to be initiated. e. Next, select your action. f. Test the step. g. Test the Zap. h. Turn on the Zap.

App Info

Published by Freshsales
about 7 years ago

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Supported for


Agent Productivity  CRM, Sales & Marketing

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