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RingCentral Premium Call Control

This premium app provides all features of the RingCentral softphone, from inside Freshservice!
OverviewHow to install?
Please note that this is a paid app. Contact us or follow the app link for pricing, questions and a demo. Loyally offers the new CTI between and Freshservice and Ringcentral as a premium app, using Ringcentral telephony for an efficient and powerful integration. This premium version provides all of the features that RingCentral telephony offers, from inside Freshservice. This means you will be able to use all available RingCentral features, like: - Searching your call history - Listening to your voice messages - Lookup saved contacts - Forward calls - Transfer calls - Conference Calling And Freshservice integrated features like: - Creating contacts for unknown callers. - Saving call logs to tickets. - Handling multiple caller matches. - Click to dial. And more!
Please contact us on our support address or via the app link to install the RingCentral Call Control. To get a head start on the app's installation you can download the Freshworks 'CTI Framework' app from the Freshworks marketplace. Then contact us for the configuration with our Rincentral app. After the app's installation it is located on the lower left side of the screen on the navigationbar.

App Info

Published by Loyally
about over 2 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Agent Productivity  Chat, Video & Telephony

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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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