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FunnelFLARE is a sales enablement platform for your CRM that helps close deals faster.
OverviewHow to install?
FunnelFLARE helps you save time and sell faster by providing tools that allow you to automate many of your day-to-day tasks. FunnelFLARE provides a powerful set of tools that replace many applications you may be using today: -Appointment scheduler -Phone dialer -Email and your CRM task automation sequences -Live prospect and account website insights FunnelFLARE saves you time by -Ensuring prospects show up to the MEETINGS they book (full reminder automation) -Automatic VOICEMAIL drop and email templates (drop pre-recorded voicemails with a click of a button) -Assign DRIP SEQUENCES to prospects from within your CRM -REAL TIME ALERTS as to which prospects are engaging with your website and emails If you are interested in spending less time selling and more time closing, try FunnelFLARE here:
Setup and installation 1)Login to your FunnelFLARE account: In your CRM Step 1: Click your account icon (Letter on the top right toolbar), select [Settings], click the [API Settings] You will be provided with an API Key Copy the API Token In FunnelFLARE Step 1: Browse to Administration->Account Settings. Click on the 'Integrations' tab. Step 2: Whenever a contact is pushed to your CRM from FunnelFLARE, the standard and custom fields in FunnelFLARE can be mapped to the standard/custom fields in your CRM. You must set this mapping up for FunnelFLARE to know which fields to update in your CRM. In the Account Settings (Administration->Account Settings), scroll down to the Integrations Tab. You can map FunnelFLARE fields to your CRM Fields. In FunnelFLARE Step 1: In FunnelFLARE Importing Contacts From your CRM -> FunnelFLARE After your CRM has been linked to your account, importing contacts is easy. In FunnelFLARE, browse to Contacts->Import Contacts. You should see an option for pulling contacts from your CRM. You will be given full control over what to do if contacts exist, what fields map to what, etc. Automatically update contacts in FunnelFLARE from your CRM One of the more powerful features of the FunnelFLARE-your CRM integration is the ability to update contacts in FunnelFLARE automatically. To automatically push changes from your CRM to FunnelFLARE, use the contact import scheduler (Contacts->CRM Contact Updates ). your CRM will update FunnelFLARE on a scheduled basis. The import scheduler filter system allows you to have full control over what gets data and which contacts are automatically updated in FunnelFLARE. Full step-by-step instructions on enabling your FunnelFLARE / your CRM integration can be found here:

App Info

Published by activedemand2
about almost 3 years ago

Works with

Supported for


Chat, Video & Telephony  CRM, Sales & Marketing

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