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Create integrations for your SaaS using Integry, designed for both developers and non-developers.
OverviewHow to install?
Connect your app to Freshworks CRM with our integration builder. Design workflows around the most popular use-cases. For instance, create Freshworks CRM contacts from Type form or Google Sheets entries. Get Slack notifications when a new contact or lead is added and many more. All you need to do is create your app on Integry and add templates using your app and Freshworks CRM activities. Deploy these integration templates to your dedicated Apps Marketplace (powered by Integry). Your users can then view all Freshworks CRM integrations and connect to them instantly.
To get up and running with Integry make sure you: 1) Are a SaaS app. 2) Have an API we can consume. 3) Have a test/trial account for us to test integrations. Here's how to start creating integrations: 1) Sign-in to Integry. 2) Create your app under the Apps tab in your dashboard. 3) Add an authentication method to your app. 4) Add activities to it. 5) Populate the app with integration templates. 6) Deploy your Apps' Marketplace in deployments and add these integrations to it. It displays the list of available integrations. 7) Your users can add integrations to your app right away.

App Info

Published by Integry
about almost 3 years ago

Works with

Supported for


CRM, Sales & Marketing  Data Sync & Migration

Other Resources

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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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