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Create leads in your CRM with your every Typeform submission.
200+ installs
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Introducing the Typeform App, a Sales CRM solution that integrates your CRM with the functionalities of Typeform, a robust and powerful form builder. Typeform Integration makes the lead generation process more efficient through Typeform’s auto-sync feature, allowing you to create leads in real-time, with each submission. Some of the functionalities provided by the Typeform App include: - Provides room for up to 1000 CRM leads. - It allows you to import older submissions. - Easier mapping of CRM and Typeform leads. If you’re a business looking to make your sales processes more efficient, then this Typeform App is for you. It solves the problem of lead management, making your overall business operations efficient.
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You'll need Freshsales Suite and Typeform accounts in order to use this app. Once activated, the app will ask you to fill out the following Settings field. - Typeform Personal Token: This can be obtained from the Typeform account screen under Developer Settings. Once validated, you can select one of the forms associated with your Typeform account. Map the fields, save the settings and you are ready to auto sync your Freshsales Suite with Typeform.
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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