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Hide Fields

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Hide any field in a Freshdesk ticket based on the condition(s) preset by the user.
Published by Freshworks(about 8 months ago)
4.2 (200+)
Version History
Version 26.0
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This app allows you to hide ticket fields based on predefined conditions. Besides the mandatory fields, you can choose which fields to hide according to: a. **Dropdown Fields** If the "Type" field is set to a specific value, such as "Technical Query," you can hide fields like "Product," "Priority," or any other non-mandatory ticket fields. This functionality works on both the Ticket Details Page and the New Ticket Page. b. **Dependent Fields** You can hide fields based on specified conditions for each level. c. **User Roles** If "Supervisor" is selected as the user role, any fields marked as hidden will remain hidden for all agents assigned that role. **Notes:** 1. The "Match All of the Below" option enables strict condition checks. 2. In the dependent fields under the "Match Any of the Below" section, users can configure multiple conditions under the same rule. By default, the option configured in Condition 1 can be applied to different conditions within the same rule. 3. If Level 2 or Level 3 fields are not configured in the app settings, those levels will not be considered on any page. However, a specific condition that includes all three levels can still be set up and will function as expected. **Key Benefits:** 1. Display only relevant ticket fields to agents. This helps to withhold background information that isn't particularly relevant to them. For example, you can hide the shipment cost in a ticket raised by an e-commerce customer complaining about a late or missed delivery. 2. Reduce unnecessary clutter on agents’ interfaces, improving their productivity. **Limitations:** 1. On the New Ticket Page, hiding fields based on the source does not work.
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Pauline R
Gustavo Vidal
Micheal Suter
On the Hide Fields app page, click "Install”. Enter your Freshdesk URL and API key. Configure field hiding rules under "Based on dropdown fields." Set dependent field rules under "Based on dependent fields." Define role-based field visibility under "Based on user roles." To learn more about the integration, use the link below (copy and paste on your browser):
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