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View important information about your sales leads, like email and direct dials, within Freshsales.
OverviewHow to install?
With the Lead 411 and Freshsales integration your agents will be able to get the relevant information they need about a customer, where they need it most, in Freshsales.
Once you have signed up for a Lead411 Account, you can set up the FreshSales Integration within the Account Settings. Once in the Account Settings select Setup CRM for Exports and select how you would like to import the data (Either Leads or Contacts) Next insert your FreshSales Credentials and API Key (click Show so you see your CRM in the export options) and lastly, map the fields you would like to have imported. Click Save and you are all Set! Here is a Video to walk you through -

App Info

Published by Lead4112
about 5 years ago

Works with

Supported for


CRM, Sales & Marketing

Other Resources

Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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