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Stripe by ChargeDesk

Manage Stripe payments inside Freshchat. Refund payments, manage subscriptions and much more!
500+ installs
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OverviewReviews How to install?
ChargeDesk gives you access to your Stripe payment data where it's needed most - inside Freshchat. Setting up ChargeDesk takes only a minute. You'll then be able to manage your customers next to Freshchat conversations. You can also show PayPal, Braintree, Chargify, Zuora & Recurly payments from this one app inside Freshchat. ChargeDesk works with your existing ecommerce setup - no coding or changes required. This app includes the following features: - Show your customer's entire billing history next to support tickets - Refund charges - Cancel subscriptions - Create new charges (either by invoicing the customer or charging a card on file) - Create new subscriptions - Make prorated changes to existing subscriptions - Authorize and capture payments - Add coupons to subscriptions - Download invoices - Send payment reminders - Edit customer details - Add tax information to invoices - Securely update a customer's credit card on file - Full logging and reporting - and more! ChargeDesk is on a mission to improve the billing support experience for business and their customers. Launched in 2014, ChargeDesk is helping over 1,000 companies provide better billing support for millions of their customers.
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1) Install this app to your Freshchat account. 2) Click the "Connect to Stripe" button in the new "Payments" section next to any ticket. 3) You will be guided through setting up your ChargeDesk account which should only take a few minutes. 4) Once you are logged into ChargeDesk, return to Freshchat. Your new ChargeDesk account will be automatically connected to your Freshchat app. You'll now be able to manage your customers inside Freshchat! 5) You can add any other agents in your company to ChargeDesk to give them access to manage payments inside Freshchat as well.
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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