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Create a card in Trello whenever a new deal is created in the CRM.
300+ installs
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OverviewReviews How to install?
Don't leave your collaborating teams in limbo anymore. With the Trello integration, let your team know that a deal in the pipeline has been Created/Updated/Won. The integration enables you to create a card under a board whenever - - A deal is created (or) - A deal reaches a certain stage in the pipeline (or) - A deal is Won/Lost
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- Authenticate the CRM app by entering the CRM Domain and API key - Authenticate Trello app by entering the Trello Access key - Choose the deal trigger for which the card is to be created in Trello - Choose the Board and the List under which the card is to be created - Click Save

App Info

Published by Freshworks
about over 5 years ago
Version: 4.0 Version History

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Agent Productivity  File Sharing & Collaboration

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