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By clicking on "Install", you acknowledge and agree that your access and use of this application will be governed by the developer's terms of service and privacy policy. Freshworks may share your contact and usage information with the developer.
OverviewReviews How to install?
With the Aha! app, agents can either link to an existing idea (upvote) or create a new idea if none exists. 1. Link Idea: Search for the keyword related to the request. The app searches for the name and description of all ideas inside Aha! to find relevant ideas. Click ‘Link Idea’ 2. Create Idea: If no relevant ideas exist, click on ‘Create Idea’. Here you can choose the ‘Product’, ‘Name’ & ‘Description’ of the idea.
No reviews available for this app.
To install the Aha! app, you need to enter the following credentials: 1. Aha! Subdomain: If your Aha! domain is in the format, enter 2. To get the API key: a. Log into Aha! From the home page, click settings and select Personal. b. In Personal settings, click Developer. c. Click Generate API key. 3. You can choose if you want the ideas to be created as ‘Requestor’ (Customers) or ‘Agents’
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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