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Quickly access up-to-date order details without opening your JTL-Wawi by JTL-Software system.
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OverviewReviews How to install?
Get order details without a long search in your JTL-Wawi and speed up your support response. How it works? You go to a ticket page with an order information in it, and the plugin automatically finds the order info inside the ticket. You open the plugin window, and there you can see all the necessary information about the order from your JTL-Wawi. The faster your support helps the customer, the more satisfied they will be. That's a fact. And our plugin will help you with that.
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How to install? Click on Install. Еnter your API Key from Seller2Go. You can get the API Key in Seller2Go -> Dashboard -> Freshdesk - Get API Key. Complete the installation.
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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