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BambooHR Connector

Automate workflows between Freshservice and BambooHR. Available for Pro and Enterprise plans only.
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NOTE: The App will require the purchase of the Connector App Tasks Add-on from the billing page in your account and is available only for Pro & Enterprise customers. Freshservice and Bamboo HR users can now integrate their accounts, start syncing their user data between the two apps, and help the employee records stay updated and consistent via this integration. Integrate Bamboo HR with Freshservice to 1. Sync user data between the two apps around employee information 2. Automate employee workflows out-of-the-box (like onboarding) that require minimal technical bandwidth 3. Customize OOTB workflows based on account-specific requirements Learn More:
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Here is a quick step-by-step flow on how to successfully integrate & use these two apps STEP-1: Installing your BambooHR Connector app in Freshservice STEP-2: Configuring the installed Bamboo HR app Step-2.1: Choosing an out-of-the-box Recipe Step-2.2: Mapping the user data fields for the BambooHR Widget STEP-3: Understanding the Overview tab STEP-4: Accessing the BambooHR widget inside Freshservice Detailed help article on the integration:

App Info

Published by Freshworks
about 1 month ago
Version: 1.0 Version History

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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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