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Empower your IT teams to collaborate and organize their Freshservice incident tickets with ease.
52 installs
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OverviewReviews How to install?
This two-way integration requires you to download our Freshservice Power-Up in your Trello boards to be able to view Freshservice tickets directly from linked Trello cards and more. Empower your IT team to solve your company's needs faster. Improve your IT service team's performance by empowering them to send their tickets to Trello cards. Organize your workflow in Trello or boost collaboration with other teams, taking into account tickets' priority to deliver exceptional support according to the company's needs. Your service desk team will collaborate instantly and effortlessly by linking Trello cards + Freshservice tickets. Some benefits of using this app are: 1. Link an existing Trello card to a Freshservice incident ticket. 2. Create a new Trello card directly from a Freshservice incident ticket, indicating a description of what's needed, requesters name, the status and priority for the Trello teams to be in sync. Be able to select labels, assign members and set up a due date for your new Trello card. 3. Keep your IT support team and other Trello teams in sync. Track the progress of a Trello card linked to Freshservice incident tickets right from the ticket's page. 4. Receive updates on Freshservice incident tickets when the Trello cards linked are moved from the list, so agents stay updated on their status.
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1. Click the "Install" button. 2. A web page to allow Freshservice to access your Trello account is displayed. Please note that this will be the Trello admin user and the app will retrieve all Trello boards from this account. 3. Once access to Trello is validated, the app is installed and the Freshservice instance is displayed. 4. Last but not least, you'll need to create a new Agent in Freshservice named "Trello agent" with admin permissions. You'll need that agent's API key to set up the Freshservice Power-Up in Trello. For more information please visit:
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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