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This integration lets you access & view a user’s support tickets from Zendesk from within Freshchat.
19 installs
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OverviewReviews How to install?
To provide seamless DIY integration with Zendesk and with this integration with Freshchat, customers using Zendesk as their ticketing solution will be able to access and view a user’s support tickets from Zendesk, from within Freshchat. This information helps a Support Agent on chat better understand the problem of the user, and be able to update the associated Zendesk tickets right from within Freshchat. The primary features of the app are:  View Zendesk tickets associated with the user  Create a new ticket from the chat conversation  Automatically convert Offline messages to a ticket  Search for a ticket using Ticket ID  Append conversation to an existing Zendesk ticket
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For installation instructions refer to: integration

App Info

Published by Artis
about over 2 years ago
Version: 1.0 Version History

Works with

Supported for


Chat, Video & Telephony

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