Mastering Customer Feedback Surveys

How to create a survey for actionable insights

Customer feedback survey is important to successfully gather information about customers’ opinions, preferences, and experiences with their products or services. These surveys can take many different forms, including online surveys, phone interviews, in-person questionnaires, and more. The goal of any customer feedback survey is to gather data that can be used to improve business processes, products, or services, as well as to gauge overall customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. By gathering customer feedback, businesses can better understand their customers’ needs and expectations and take action to improve the customer experience.


Why are customer feedback surveys important?

Improve customer satisfaction:  

Customer feedback surveys provide insights into customer satisfaction levels and help businesses identify problem areas. By acting on customer feedback, businesses can improve their products, services, and customer experiences, increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction. 

Measure success: 

These surveys can help businesses measure the success of their products, services, and marketing campaigns. By tracking customer feedback over time, businesses can identify trends and measure the impact of changes they’ve made.

Stay competitive:

By gathering customer feedback, businesses can stay informed about their competitors and the industry. This information can help identify opportunities and stay competitive in the marketplace.

Build customer relationships: 

Customer feedback surveys show customers that their opinions and experiences are important to the business. This can build trust and strengthen the relationship between the business and its customers.

Tips for creating an effective customer feedback survey

Keep it short and simple

Short and simple surveys are more likely to be completed by customers because they require less time and effort. This leads to higher response rates, which means businesses can gather more data and insights from their customers. Longer surveys can be overwhelming, and customers may rush through them or provide incomplete or inaccurate responses. Before designing a survey, identify the key information you need to gather from your customers. Focus on the most important questions and limit the number of questions to those that are essential.

Focus on the right questions

Define the goals of your survey and the information you need to achieve them. Identify the key metrics or areas of your business you want to improve and create questions that will provide insights into those areas. Identify your target audience and tailor your questions to their needs and preferences. Consider their demographics, interests, and behaviors to create questions that provide valuable insights. 

Use clear and simple language

Keep your questions simple and straightforward to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. Avoid using technical jargon or complex language that may be difficult for customers to understand. Test your survey with a small group of customers to ensure your questions are clear and easy to understand. Use feedback from the test group to make any necessary adjustments.

Choose the right question types

Use a mix of open-ended and close-ended questions to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. Open-ended questions can provide more detailed responses and insights, while close-ended questions are easier to analyze and compare. Multiple-choice questions are easy to answer and provide you with structured data. Rating scale questions can provide a quick overview of how customers perceive your business or product. 

Test your survey

Before testing your survey, define your testing objectives. This will help you focus on what you want to achieve with your testing and what insights you hope to gain. Test your survey with a small group of people who represent your target audience. Ask your test group for feedback on the survey, including whether they found the questions easy to understand, whether they had any issues or concerns, and whether they would change anything about the survey. Look for patterns in the feedback and consider making changes to your survey based on the feedback you receive. Iterate and test again!

Customize your survey experience

Use skip logic to customize the survey experience for each customer. Ask relevant and specific questions tailored to your target audience,  and reduce survey fatigue. Use your branding on the survey design to make it feel more familiar and trustworthy to customers. This can help increase response rates and improve the quality of the responses you receive. Send your surveys from your own domain to increase trust and customer confidence. 

Offer an incentive

Choose an attractive incentive to your target audience. This could be a discount, a gift card, or a chance to win a prize. Make sure the incentive is relevant to your business and your customers. Make it clear in your survey invitation that an incentive is being offered. Thank them for their feedback and deliver the incentive. This can help to build customer loyalty and increase engagement with your brand.

Follow up with customers

Send a personalized thank-you email to each respondent to acknowledge their time and effort in completing the survey. Express your appreciation for their feedback and let them know how their responses will be used to improve your business. If respondents raised any concerns or issues in the survey, take the time to address them directly. Respondents will appreciate your attention to their concerns and will be more likely to provide feedback in the future.

Use a survey software that suits your needs

Using survey software like Freshsurvey makes the survey creation and distribution process more efficient, reducing the amount of time and resources required to gather feedback from customers. It’s easier to customize surveys to meet the specific needs of your target audience. can automate many aspects of the survey process, including sending surveys and reminders, tracking responses, and analyzing reports, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Our two cents

Always remember, to master customer feedback surveys and create an effective survey, follow these tips and best practices:

  • Keep surveys short and simple
  • Focus on the right questions
  • Use clear and simple language
  • Choose the right question types
  • Test your survey
  • Customize your survey
  • Offer incentives when needed
  • Follow up with respondents 
  • And finally, use a free survey software like Freshsurvey for all your survey needs!  

In conclusion, customer feedback surveys are an essential tool for any business looking to improve its products, services, and customer experience. By following these best practices, businesses can design effective surveys that generate meaningful insights and provide a better understanding of their customer’s needs and preferences.