
prasad headshot prasad headshot

Prasad Ramakrishnan

Chief Information Officer



Prasad is the SVP of IT and Chief Information Officer of Freshworks and is responsible for the IT vision and strategy of the company and its execution. With over three decades of experience in the Information Technology and Security space, Prasad manages the technology platform to scale Freshworks.

mukesh mirchandani mukesh mirchandani

Mukesh Mirchandani

VP of Solutions Engineering



Mukesh is a technology executive with over two decades of expertise building and selling enterprise technology solutions. An engineer by education, Mukesh has spent a considerable part of his professional career studying customer & employee engagement and customer service trends. He believes organizations that put employees & customers at the heart of their business will emerge as winners and advocates his clients to truly become customer champions.

chad haftorson chad haftorson

Chad Haftorson

Senior Director, Product Management 



Chad is Senior Director of Product Management for Freshservice where he develops the vision and product strategy for our core ITSM offering.

Prior to Freshworks, he led product management, cloud and on-prem offerings of project portfolio management solutions, for BMC, Mercury/HP; also leading their platform and integration offerings.