How DebtBusters impacted their customer experience by providing Omnichannel support!





Providing seamless support across multiple channels has become a top differentiator for companies in today’s fast-paced world of multi-device consumers. It’s a trend that places more responsibility on your customer support team than ever before – and that requires a more strategic use of your tools.

Learn how DebtBusters, one of SA’s leading Debt counseling companies created a seamless support experience for their customers across different channels.

In this 45 minutes webinar,  Sarah Gnielka, Senior Analyst from DebtBusters shared some best practices of how an omnichannel customer support strategy can help drive better engagements with customers and build relationships that last.

Here is a sneak peek of what she covered:


utkarsh awasthi utkarsh awasthi
Utkarsh Awasthi
Head of Customer Marketing,
sarah debtbusters sarah debtbusters
Sarah Gnielka
Senior Analyst,
arjun arjun
Arjun Marella
Lead - Account Management,