Local Phone Numbers

Be accessible to your customers through a local phone number. Purchase local phone numbers across forty different countries across the world.

Local Phone Number Local Phone Number

Toll-Free Numbers

Enable your customers register their enquiries and complaints for free. Toll-free numbers help you become a brand, that cares.

Buy Toll Free Numbers Buy Toll Free Numbers

Number Porting

You do not need to give up your existing numbers when you switch to Freshcaller. Port numbers from your Twilio account, Google Voice and other service providers to Freshcaller.

VoIP number porting VoIP number porting

Call Masking

Mask your business phone numbers with the local numbers relevant to your customers. Securely mask numbers with a business phone number of your choice.

Call Masking in Business Phone System Call Masking in Business Phone System

Additional features

Vanity Numbers

Purchase numbers in over 40 countries to help you brand your business phones such as 1800-XX-BRAND, 1800-FONECAL, 1800-FRSHCAL etc.

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International Numbers

Be a glocalized brand with various phone numbers giving your brand an international stature yet available locally.

Global Phone Usage

Run your global call center through a centralized team from anywhere in the world.