In times like these, adaptability and future-focused thinking are critical for contact-center success and even to your survival.
In Episode 1 of Rethink CX, Micah talks to Colin Taylor, contact center expert and CEO of Taylor Reach Group, about how you can ensure your contact center makes it through this crisis.
We cover:
The best way to deal with surge responses
Which “temporary” trends are likely to stick around
The advent of chat and messaging
How to incorporate bots and automation
Date: 8 May 2020
Time: 10 AM PST
We’re proud to host an exclusive 5-part video series on how your business can come out of this crisis stronger by focusing on your customers.
Join Micah Solomon, customer experience expert and bestselling author, as he covers topics ranging from managing contact center solutions, leveraging AI and automation to building a customer-centric culture and more with some of the brightest minds in the industry.
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