Freshdesk Agent Fundamentals


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As an agent in Freshdesk, you want to get started and be productive from Day 1. With the Freshdesk agent fundamentals course, you can achieve just that.

Whether you have used an email inbox or a helpdesk for providing support before, this course is a great place to start. In this course, we will be covering - 

  • Basics of ticketing -  Learn how to work with tickets and become familiar with the various ticket properties.

  • Understanding the ticket list page - Learn how to work with tickets in bulk.

  • Advanced ticketing options - Get trained on advanced Freshdesk features like creating a ticket, merging tickets, using templates and more.

  • Working with customer information - Learn how to create, edit and merge customers.

  • Working with your knowledge base - Learn to create articles on the knowledge base and use it to provide a good self-service experience for customers.

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