Sales Funnel

11 Proven Examples of Sales Funnels that Convert

Lets explore 11 real-world sales funnel examples of B2B and B2C businesses that have mastered the art of designing optimized sales funnels that convert.

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What Is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a strategic roadmap that guides customers from initial interaction to purchase. It is a meticulously crafted process designed to captivate and nurture prospects through key stages of their buyer’s journey—awareness, interest, decision, and action, ultimately converting them to customers. 

Depending on the industry and nature of the product or service, the number of stages and the length of the sales funnel may vary. However, the goal is the same: to visualize the pathway to attract leads and convert them into paying customers.

(For a deeper understanding of the sales funnel and its optimization read our comprehensive guide here.)

A well-structured sales funnel acts as a guiding framework for the sales team, enabling efficient selling, fostering stronger relationships with prospects, and boosting overall conversion rates.

11 Best Sales Funnel Examples That Convert

Below are detailed sales funnel strategies employed by various well-known brands to engage and convert prospects across different stages of their buying journey: 

1. Cisco—Technology (B2B) Sales Funnel Example 

B2B enterprise software and technology companies use buyer enablement or educating the buyer as their sales funnel strategy to win the prospect’s interest and convert them to customers. 

Cisco is a great example in this category. It stands tall in the tech arena, not just because of its high-caliber networking gear but also because it knows how to court its audience. From routers to cybersecurity, its offerings are vast and vital, serving a broader audience. 

Cisco engages a variety of channels such as organic and paid marketing, referrals, sponsors, and networks to attract prospects into their sales funnel. They create insight-packed whitepapers as gated content, which in turn act as a lead magnet to attract interested prospects and collect their details. 

For instance, their recent report about AIOps contains survey-backed trend data gathered from industry experts, offering in-depth analysis of prevailing challenges and needs in the field. This valuable resource is gated to collect crucial user details that are later utilized in the nurturing phase. 

Upon collecting the user details, Cisco then guides the prospect down their buying journey of consideration, evaluation and purchase by using rich and authentic assets such whitepapers, ebooks, case studies, reports, and webinars. This strategic approach allows the brand to sift through high-intent traffic from a pool of generic readers, filtering out those most likely to convert. 

Sales reps time their sales conversations at appropriate stages of the buyer journey to maximize the likelihood of conversion.

2. Walmart—Retail (B2C) Sales Funnel Example

B2C retail sales funnel, exemplified by retailers such as Walmart, leverages targeted advertising and social media marketing to generate awareness and interest, while providing a streamlined e-commerce experience to drive sales.

For instance, Walmart, once a humble discount store in Rogers, Arkansas, has evolved into a global retail giant serving millions of customers both online and in-store. Walmart's online sales funnel is characterized by simplicity and effectiveness.

Rather than relying on complex or innovative strategies, Walmart focuses on executing traditional e-commerce tactics with precision. This includes targeted advertising to reach specific buyer segments, influencer marketing to engage potential customers, and strategic social media branding to enhance its visibility. 

Customers enter with clear purchase intent. Hence, Walmart prioritizes delivering a seamless user experience within its app, where customers can browse, purchase, and checkout effortlessly.

Walmart offers a holistic shopping experience that seamlessly integrates both online and in-store channels. Customers can order groceries online and pick them up on the same day without leaving their cars, or they can explore products in-store, scan QR codes, and access all available color and size options online for swift purchasing decisions. This omnichannel approach caters to diverse customer preferences, offering flexibility, personalization, and unparalleled convenience both online and in-store.

The success of Walmart's sales funnel hinges on its commitment to providing convenience at every touchpoint. By ensuring that the shopping experience is seamless and interconnected across online and in-store platforms, Walmart effectively meets customers' needs whenever and wherever they arise.

3. Oracle—Enterprise Software Sales Funnel Example

Enterprise B2B selling is inherently personalized and account-specific, rejecting one-size-fits-all approaches. Enterprise software purchase involves complex decision-making processes and typically entails larger buying committees with specific requirements and challenges. Therefore, enterprise software sales funnels focus on personalized nurturing and tailored solutions to address unique pain points. Sales reps play a very important role in the buying process. They engage closely with the qualified lead to understand their needs, share relevant content and sell customized solutions that solve their problems. 

Oracle, a prominent provider of enterprise software solutions encompassing databases, cloud services, and more, prioritizes addressing business operational efficiency. Unlike Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models, enterprise software deals with extensive data sets and addresses company-wide demands on a large scale. Off-the-shelf solutions and free trials often prove ineffective in this context due to the intricate and varied nature of the challenges faced by each vendor.

As a result, Oracle's B2B sales funnel revolves around individualized nurturing and delivering bespoke solutions tailored to vendors' specific pain points. Their nurturing strategies predominantly involve direct sales efforts, including cold outreach, cold calling, and personalized stakeholder discussions. 

Oracle's sales team emphasizes active listening and guides prospects through a meticulously structured funnel, demonstrating precisely how Oracle's solutions address their unique challenges.

Prospects enter the Oracle sales funnel through various channels, including search engine optimization, webinars, events, and thought leadership content such as whitepapers, reports, and case studies. These resources educate and nurture industry-relevant audiences, with Oracle's sales teams subsequently qualifying leads based on specific criteria before establishing one-on-one relationships. Additionally, prospective customers often initiate contact directly via live chat on the website, facilitating self-nurturing and inbound sales.

4. Amazon—E-commerce sales funnel Example 

The ecommerce sales funnel is designed to optimize the entire customer journey, from the moment they land on the website to the final checkout. They strategically incorporate upselling and cross-selling techniques to maximize revenue.

Amazon has created a seamless customer experience across its ecommerce platforms. While customers arrive with a clear intent to purchase, Amazon focuses on enhancing their journey and ensuring utmost convenience throughout. Personalized recommendations, hot deals, effortless product discovery based on past search history, easy comparisons, and more are accessible with just a click on the ecommerce store. 

The checkout process on Amazon is particularly noteworthy for its frictionless nature. With features like one-click buying, multiple payment options, and a two-day shipping promise, customers quickly transition from “just browsing” to “eagerly tracking” their purchase! 

Amazon's sales funnel utilizes programmatic ads to showcase sponsored products and deals tailored to the reader's interests. For instance, a customer searching for a basic coffee maker will encounter suggestions for higher-end models with additional features like built-in coffee grinders. As they explore various products, relevant sponsored ads and suggestions guide them towards finding the ideal solutions for their needs.

5. Slack— Software as a Service (SaaS) Sales Funnel Example 

SaaS sales funnels are designed around enticing potential customers with free trial or a freemium model, allowing them to experience the product's value firsthand. Free trial serves as a gateway to conversion, with a focus on promoting key features and demonstrating the benefits of upgrading to paid plans for enhanced functionality and value.

Let’s look at Slack - it is a messaging app that makes communication and collaboration easy for teams, remote and in-office. 

Similar to the sales funnel of Freshworks CRM, Slack's saas sales funnel begins with a free trial, offering unlimited access to essential platform functions. This freemium model is particularly effective for small teams seeking straightforward messaging solutions. As users engage with the platform, Slack subtly guides them towards paid plans by showcasing how premium features can streamline their workflow.

Using intuitive in-app prompts and timely communication, Slack highlights premium features that can enhance team productivity in real-time. Rather than relying on lengthy descriptions, Slack demonstrates these features in action, enabling prospects to gauge their potential impact on their workflows.

Complementing its sales funnel, Slack employs a well-rounded digital and content marketing strategy that uses a combination of organic content and targeted paid ads to generate leads and attract a diverse range of prospects to their landing page. Influencer and community marketing efforts, and a robust referral program also serve as lead magnets. 

6. Jay Shetty—Digital Education Products Funnel Example 

Digital education product companies deploy sales funnels that offer free content or samples to attract potential learners, leveraging email marketing to upsell full courses, ebooks, and learning materials. By providing valuable insights and snippets of their offerings, these companies win the trust and interest of their prospects, who ultimately invest in comprehensive educational resources.

Jay Shetty, a renowned author and podcast host, captivates audiences with his ability to simplify complex concepts and foster a sense of community. He uses compelling trailers and previews to promote his celebrity and expert Masterclasses, thus drawing prospects into his sales funnel - the Youtube podcast. Those who tune in and think, "This guy gets it," are just a click away from his email newsletter.  The email marketing campaigns are tailored to be useful and relevant, with content packed with insights, real talk, and the occasional chuckle—no salesy tone, just value. 

After building trust and delivering useful and relevant information through his free content, Jay Shetty gently leads his listeners towards the real treasure—his paid coaching community. By now, subscribers are hooked and are more than willing to follow; they want to be part of Jay Shetty’s world! Paired with social proof like customer testimonials and transformative stories, he has built a bridge of trust that can withstand a sales pitch without annoying the readers.

7. EventBrite—Event Management Sales Funnel Example

Event management companies create sales funnels that are designed to generate interest and awareness for the event through social media campaigns and advertising, and promote ticket sales through irresistible offers. An integral part of this event management sales funnel is the post-purchase social sharing, to generate referral traffic. 

Let’s study the example of Eventbrite - a platform that helps people find social events, such as concerts, hobbies, workshops, meetups, etc, happening within the customer locality. 

At the top of the funnel, awareness is generated through targeted social media ads, partnerships, and word-of-mouth, attracting individuals into the sales pipeline. 

The target audience then encounters personalized recommendations and engaging content tailored to their passions and interests. Eventbrite employs scarcity and urgency tactics, urging the target customers with messages like "Buy now before prices increase" to prompt swift action. A user-friendly website and transparent pricing make purchasing tickets a straightforward choice.

Post-conversion, attendees are encouraged to share their plans on social media, initiating a cycle that reintroduces the process to potential customers in their network.

8. Zillow—Real Estate Sales Funnel Example 

The sales funnels of real estate listing companies focus on facilitating prospects to discover their dream property efficiently and effectively. Through detailed property listings that include high-quality virtual tours, intuitive search functionalities, personalized recommendations, easy agent interactions online and offline, a real estate sales funnel creates a seamless and enjoyable journey toward finding the perfect home

Zillow is like that one friend who knows everything about every house on the block: who's selling, who's buying, and who's just looking around. This platform has effectively democratized property searching, allowing anyone with internet access to start their home-buying journey with just a few clicks.

Zillow’s sales process starts from when the prospects land on their website or app, looking for anything from a cozy condo to a sprawling estate. They can access listings galore at their fingertips, complete with photos, prices, and all the details one would be looking for.

Then, there is a virtual tour feature where prospects get a virtual walk-through of the property. This level of engagement is critical—as it keeps leads clicking, viewing, and, most importantly, engaged.

Connecting with an agent is also effortless with Zillow. Once the prospects are ready to take action, a pro will guide them through the nitty-gritty of making that dream home their own.

Zillow’s marketing strategies bridge the gap between interest and action, encouraging potential buyers to make the leap from liking photos to contacting an agent. This immersive experience sets Zillow apart in the crowded real estate space.

Zillow sales funnel easily transitions from casual browsing to active buying, but the unique proposition here is the power of making the experience feel real and tangible. 

9. Netflix—Subscription Services Sales Funnel Example

Sales funnels for subscription services like Netflix center around acquiring subscribers through free trials and special introductory offers, aiming to entice them with compelling content and ongoing promotions, ultimately converting them into long-term, loyal customers. 

Netflix draws in new customers with a free trial to their monthly subscription plans. This part is crucial because it gets you through the door with zero risks. During this free trial period, Netflix doesn’t hold back; they offer unlimited access to their entire buffet of shows and movies with an anytime cancellation option. 

As you start your free trial, the Netflix recommendation system will bring you the most relevant content by analyzing your genre choices, watching patterns, likes, dislikes and trends to keep you engaged. This isn’t just about keeping you entertained; it’s about making Netflix an indispensable part of your lifestyle. Before you know it, you have an interesting list of shows to check out, naturally leading you to become a subscriber. 

If there’s one thing to take from the Netflix approach, it’s that personalization wins! They lure in customers with free trials, get to know them well, use data to create personalized recommendations and leverage their content variety to keep them loyal.

10. The Salvation Army—Non-Profit Fundraising Sales Funnel Example

In the world of non-profit fundraising, the sales funnel begins with engaging potential donors through compelling storytelling, urgent appeals, and demonstrating the tangible impact of their contributions. These strategies guide donors through a journey of connection and inspiration, ultimately leading to sustained support for the organization's mission. Customer retention is an important part of non-profit fundraising sales funnels. Effective communication and transparency form the foundation on which these companies build lasting engagement with and support from their donors. 

The Salvation Army is one such notable sales funnel example in this category. It is designed to expertly guide potential donors through their donation journey with diverse outreach efforts and impactful storytelling strategies.

For instance, through direct mail campaigns, they reach out to individuals with personalized messages and compelling narratives, inviting them to learn more about their cause. Simultaneously, on social media platforms, The Salvation Army shares captivating stories of individuals they've helped, accompanied by powerful visuals that resonate with audiences and inspire empathy.

During the holiday season, The Salvation Army's iconic red kettle stands serve as a tangible reminder of their mission, prompting spontaneous donations from passersby. Their strategic email campaigns provide regular updates on how donations are being utilized, fostering transparency and trust among supporters.

By consistently engaging with their audience across various channels and providing clear avenues for involvement, The Salvation Army effectively converts their existing customers and one-time donors  into lifelong supporters of their cause.

11. Cleveland Clinic—Healthcare Services Sales Funnel Example

Healthcare service providers employ patient education, testimonials, and direct consultations as integral components of their sales funnels, guiding patients from initial awareness to informed treatment decisions. Through informative content, real-life testimonials, and personalized consultations, they aim to empower patients with the knowledge and confidence to navigate their healthcare journey effectively.

Cleveland Clinic, the global leader in health services, has effortlessly translated the usually dry and daunting world of healthcare into an approachable, even relatable journey for anyone with a health concern. With well-developed content across marketing channels like search engines and social media, Cleveland Clinic appears at every customer touchpoint with needful resources guiding the readers to reliable solutions. 

They have a repository of insightful content for readers looking for credible information, accessible consultation offers for those seeking personalized suggestions, and engaging short-form content to build lasting relationships.  Let’s assume you're scrolling through social media or browsing the web for health tips or perhaps some insight into that nagging headache. This is where Cleveland Clinic appears with a blog post or a social media share providing precise answers to your queries. Now, the natural next step is when a particular content strikes a chord with you, and you want to seek expert advice about your health concerns. Or maybe when you have a health concern at a later point, you might remember the content from Cleveland Clinic, and you decide to book an appointment. You can simply book an appointment via the website in minutes. 

It's a seamless journey from readers educating themselves to connecting with professionals in just a few clicks to get expert guidance. Beyond selling, Cleveland Clinic builds a positive user experience irrespective of whether or not their website visitors become customers. 

The key here is patient education. Cleveland Clinic breaks down complex medical terminology into plain and simple English, thus making health info accessible and engaging. It's this transparent approach that pulls people in. Cleveland Clinic is not selling; they're helping, guiding, and educating. And in the process, they're building a level of trust that's hard to come by in the healthcare world.

Bottom Line

The effectiveness of a sales funnel hinges on a comprehensive understanding of the business’ target audience and customers, which includes their search behaviors, and the decision-making process leading to purchase. The above examples demonstrate various strategies employed by successful businesses to target qualified leads and seamlessly guide them through the sales funnel stages to becoming paying customers. As you would have observed, the nature of the industry and the offering determines the buying process and hence the sales funnel. 

All successful businesses implement sales funnel tools to map this customer journey. These tools are tailored to the specific nature of that business’ customer decision journey to optimize conversions and drive greater success. Freshsales is an easy-to-integrate and highly customizable tool for several B2B and B2C businesses as a sales funnel tool to capture, analyze and leverage customer data to increase conversions.

Do you have the right sales funnel software in place to scale your sales conversations?

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Why are sales funnels crucial for conversion?

Sales funnels are vital for conversion as they help gain insights into the target audience and provide a clear roadmap for guiding potential customers through the buying journey, optimizing personalized engagement, tracking performance and identifying areas of improvement. By systematically managing the customer journey, sales funnels maximize the likelihood of converting prospects into paying customers.

What are the critical stages of effective sales funnels?

There are four critical sales funnel stages in an effective sales funnel: awareness - where curiosity builds; interest - where curiosity intensifies further; decision - where choices narrow down to you; and action - where the deal is sealed.

What are some common elements in high-converting sales funnels?

A high-converting sales funnel typically includes compelling, stage-specific content to capture prospects’ interest, effective email marketing sequences to nurture leads, clear call-to-actions prompting prospects to take the next step, enticing lead magnets such as free trial or webinars that will help provide with their contact information, optimized landing pages supported by responsive customer support to increase conversion rates and social proof elements like testimonials to build credibility.

How can you measure the success of a sales funnel?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) differ for each stage of the funnel. At the top of the funnel, the number of leads generated via inbound, cold outreach, ads, websites and other lead generation mediums are primary metrics. The Middle of the funnel focuses on engagement metrics such as email open rates and click-through rates. At the bottom of the funnel, conversion rates and customer acquisition costs take precedence, alongside lifetime value (LTV), to calculate long-term profitability.

What makes a sales funnel "proven" to convert?

A sales funnel is considered "proven" to convert when it consistently results in converting prospects into paying customers at a satisfactory rate. The key factors that contribute to the success of a proven sales funnel include clear understanding of the target audience, a seamless customer journey and continuous optimization based on data insights. 

Can sales funnels be optimized for different industries?

Yes, sales funnels can be optimized for different industries. Each industry has unique characteristics, target audience and purchasing behaviors that require tailored approaches. An optimized sales funnel involves understanding the specific needs and preferences of the audience within a particular industry and adjusting the sales funnel accordingly. This might involve tweaking the messaging, offers, channels, or even creating a new sales funnel to better resonate with the target market and maximize conversions.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when designing a sales funnel?

Some of the common mistakes to avoid when designing your own sales funnel are using a template without customizing it for your brand, building a buyer persona based on assumptions, creating an overly complex process that tires out prospects, and neglecting the use of data to continuously optimize and refine the sales funnel. 

What tools are recommended for building and managing sales funnels?

Several tools can help you build and manage a sales funnel. One such tool is Freshsales. It is easily customizable to each business’ needs, and can help you collect contacts across multiple channels, deploy email automation, visualize deal progress, and build a converting sales funnel. It is important to evaluate the tool on the basis of your unique business needs and pick what works best for your sales and marketing teams.