Trusted by 60,000++ Business

Why do companies choose Freshchat over LivePerson?

Freshchat vs. LivePerson

Freshchat offers a unified chatbot experience, native integrations with help desk, CRM, and messaging channel software, and provides simplified contextual agent experiences

Free bot sessions
Free trial available
Reports and analytics

Yes, available from starter plan

Yes, available only in custom plan

CRM integration

Available only in custom plan

Custom reports
Chatbot analytics
Availability of messaging channels in starter plan

All major channels

Only one ​​​​​​

Google Business Messages
Facebook Messenger

Yes, available only in custom plan

Apple Business Chat

Yes, available only in custom plan

LINE messenger

Yes, available only in custom plan

Starting plan


$ 599

Reach customers on their favourite messaging apps

Are you interested in LivePerson’s Live Chat, Web Messaging, and Conversation Builder?

We’ve got all of these, and much more…

Web Widget

Freshchat offers a fully customizable web widget that enables you to add FAQs, live chat, and chatbots, all at one place to help your website visitors find the right answers to their queries in real-time.

AI & ML Chatbots

Freshchat’s offers AI & ML enabled chatbots that can detect customer intent, learn from different data sets and automatically hand over to an agent whenever required without breaking the chat flow.

Proactive messaging

Create targeted messages that resonate with your customers, proactively engage with web visitors, design complex flows and segment your customers with extensive targeting options

Team Inbox

Use a single inbox to access customer intel, collaborate with other teams, automate replies, and integrate 3rd party apps to quickly resolve incoming conversations

Visitor Intel

Get intel on who your visitors are, their navigation path, behavior on your site, and more to offer personalized conversations that resonate.


Track productivity metrics and conversation trends with performance reports. Integrate Freshchat with your BI tool to create custom reports and derive business-centric metrics.

Integrations made easy

Connect Freshchat with all your favorite tools in minutes

First, get a good chat. Next, everything else.

With Customer Service Suite, get all the great Freshchat features, plus Al-powered ticketing, in one unified, collaborative space enhanced with productivity-boosting Al.

 Access to full product. No credit card required.