Integrated FAQs

The grid view gives users visual cues to quickly choose the right category of FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions), and find the right answers. The grid view is intuitive, optimized for mobile as well, and completely customizable, allowing you to add or reconfigure icons and update content on the fly.

FAQ Search

Let visitors find solutions from inside the Web Messenger by using the search bar to look for FAQs. A powerful search ensures users do not have to go through scores of content to find answers. FAQs free up team bandwidth by deflecting conversations, and enriching overall visitor experience by providing quick solutions to common questions.

FAQ Feedback

Get feedback by letting visitors or users upvote or downvote FAQs. Improve, modify or rework on FAQ content depending on the feedback received from the user.

Multilingual support

Speak to your visitors in the language they are comfortable in. Team members can create FAQ content in multiple languages, and the messenger presents the right content for every user based on their local or selected language

Multilingual support-Settings